Country | India |
State | West Bengal |
Capital City | Of the state of West Bengal |
Latitude | 22 degree 82 minutes North |
Longitude | 88 degrees 20 minutes East |
Altitude | 17 feet from sea level |
Distance from sea | 60 miles from Bay of Bengal |
International Time | (+ 5 1/2) hours from GMT |
Temperature | Winter(12-27C) Summer(24-38C) |
Average Rainfall | 160cm |
Total Population | 15.97 million(2001) - including Howrah and suburbs 4.85 million(2004) - under Kolkata Municipality Corp |
Population Density | 24760 /sq. km. (2001) |
Metropolitan Area | 1380 sq. km. (1991) |
Languages spoken | Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, English |
Area | 88752 sq km |
Population (2001) | 80176197 |
Population Density | 903 per sq. km |
Gender Ratio | Male-1000,Female-934 |
Districts | 19 |
Division | 3 |
Sub-Division | 66 |
Block | 341 |
Villages | 40801 |
Bordering States/Countries | Countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan States: Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, Sikkim |
Airports | N S C Bose Airport, Kolkata Bagdogra Airport, Darjeeling |